Member Information
Member Information
Attendance Policy
In order to maintain the high standard of performance that CDYC has established over its 40- year history in the Capital District, it is important that singers and parents understand and follow all expectations regarding rehearsals and performances.
Students today have many opportunities to participate in a wide variety of activities in school and outside of school. We would ask that CDYC singers and families carefully examine the commitment expectation by examining all rehearsal and performance dates before committing to CDYC. We need all singers and families to make this ensemble a priority.
Rules concerning attendance are as follows:
Singers are expected to attend all rehearsals and concerts (including both concerts when we perform two in a series)
Singers are expected to arrive 10 minutes prior to the start of each rehearsal. Parents are expected to pick up singers at the end of the singer’s scheduled rehearsal time. Singers are not permitted to be in the rehearsal space after 12:15pm.
Singers may not miss more than two rehearsals for any concert. These rehearsals cannot be the last 2 before the concert.
Occasionally, circumstances make it impossible to attend a rehearsal. These “excused” absences include illness, school concerts, athletic competitions or family emergencies. In order for an absence to be excused, the parent coordinator must be contacted by e-mail within 24 hours of the rehearsal.
Singers are required to attend two 30-minute “make-up” rehearsals for each missed rehearsal, held after their normal rehearsal time
Students who have not made up all missed rehearsals will be tested for their mastery of the music. Singers who do not know their music will not be allowed to perform in the upcoming concert.
Three unexcused absences in a semester will result in dismissal from the group, as it demonstrates a lack of commitment.
We ask that, prior to an excused absence for a school concert, students fill out a “Mandatory School Performance” Form and a “Pre-Arranged Absence” Form.
Concert Attendance - Absence from a concert is a major infraction of the attendance policy and may prohibit future membership. A missed concert without prior notification to the parent coordinator results in dismissal from the group.
Behavior Policy
· In order to make the best use of our limited rehearsal time, students need to maintain focus throughout the weekly rehearsals. Talking or other distracting behavior is not acceptable, as it slows the learning process and disturbs the entire group.
· CELL PHONE USE, INCLUDING TEXTING IS NOT ALLOWED DURING ANY REHEARSALS OR PERFORMANCES. If cell phone use is observed, the phone will be confiscated but may be picked up by a parent following the rehearsal or performance. Students who drive themselves will receive their phone and his or her parent will be called.
· Students should bring their music and a pencil for marking music to all rehearsals and concerts.
· Students should treat all CDYC staff, conductors and guest conductors, chaperones and parent helpers with respect.
· Students should treat fellow performers with respect when waiting their turn to perform.
· Students should sit in their assigned seats until a change is required.
· Students should take care of their personal hygiene needs prior to the start of, or following their portion of the rehearsal. Bathroom visits should never exceed one per rehearsal, unless a student becomes ill. Groups may not leave together.
· Students should demonstrate good citizenship and leave rehearsal and performance spaces clear of any personal belongings or trash.
· Singers not returning music after a performance will be charged $25.
· Parents are to pick up singers at the rehearsal area or designated performance meeting area. Singers are not to go to the parking lot or street without an adult chaperone.